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A large part of building muscle fast is priming your body to build muscle before you even touch a weight…

And one of the best ways to prepare your body for top-notch muscle growth is with a good ole morning cup o’ Joe. The benefits of black coffee begin at the base level. It has 0-calories but is packed with a proven ingredient that guarantees more muscle…

Caffeine. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research discovered that the caffeine content in coffee is enough to boost muscular strength, endurance, and overall performance in the gym. 

Plus, another study found that caffeine in your morning cup of coffee also increases fat-burning processes in your body so you can bulk up and get ripped at the same time. The bottom line is that coffee is one of the best pre-workout drinks you can have if you want to build muscle in a hurry…

But guess what…

There’s a way you can spike your already powerful cup of coffee to make it even more powerful than ever before. And give you better results in the gym, too… 

Coffee + Chaga

Chaga is an ancient mushroom that’s been called “The King of Mushrooms” in Siberia. And it’ll boost an average cup of coffee to unbeatable status with a simple spoonful… See…

Before chaga became well known around the world, it was a little-known secret that Russian Olympians would pass back and forth to improve their performance during the Olympic games. In fact, after discovering chaga mushrooms for himself, 45-year old Fred Hatfield went on to break a world record for squatting 1014 lbs. at only 220 lbs. bodyweight… 

And on top of its strength-boosting abilities, one recent study, confirmed that chaga is a powerful anti-inflammatory that’ll help your body recover from workouts faster than you could without it.

To add to the perks, with a greater anti-inflammatory response, not only will your muscles repair more quickly after you train, but your stress hormone, cortisol will taper off as well, which will lead to a boost in testosterone—your body’s natural muscle-building hormone…

The more testosterone you have, the more muscle you’ll build…


So grab some chaga for yourself HERE and start adding it to your morning cup of coffee pronto for bigger numbers in the gym and better muscle growth. 

Coffee + Cordyceps

Cordyceps is an herbal extract that, pound for pound, is the most expensive herb in the world…

And it’s packed with benefits that’ll improve your performance in the gym and help you pack on muscle fast. According to a study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, cordyceps is one of the best energy-boosters on the planet…Because…

One of the main ingredients found in it is adenosine, a key component of ATP (your body’s natural energy source). Cordyceps also helps your body metabolize stored fat for explosive energy and fat-loss—making it easy to pack on muscle and torch fat at the same time. 

best results from the least effort

But that’s not all… This money herb gets even better because, another study has shown that cordyceps can potentially increase testosterone by almost 300% by increasing levels of HDL cholesterol in your body—which is the type of cholesterol your body needs to produce testosterone in the first place…

The more of this good cholesterol you have, the better… And so the more cordyceps you have, the better as well…

By increasing your testosterone levels, you’ll have an easier time building muscle and torching fat naturally (even while you sleep). So if you’re looking for some extra anabolic juice to add to your coffee each morning, look no further. Grab cordyceps for yourself HERE.

Now What? 

Your morning cup of coffee can make all the difference in the way you perform in the gym… It can even help you build muscle fast… That is, if you spike your coffee with the right stuff…

Try adding these anabolic herbs to your coffee and see how your workouts improve as a result. I’ll give you the links one more time. 



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